Treat your favorite people and yourself to something extra special- a spa kit completely tailored to their exact wishes! Reserve a time at Just Ducky® to shop and create your own customized spa kits! Hand everyone a beautiful, customized for your event, Itemized Gift Cheque at the door, and let the fun begin! Cosmetic bags and/or baskets, and lovely gift packaging included. All products are available to include in spa kits.
*FAQ: What's an Itemized Gift Cheque?
A Just Ducky® Itemized Gift Cheque is a pre-purchased gift certificate allowing the party attendees a certain amount of products from the store. No dollar amount is shown. For example, the spa kit could be
2 soaps
a bath Salt
body oil
a lotion or lotion bar
a bath pouf
the attendees then select these items from all the available options in the Just Ducky® store. It's the best sort of treasure hunt!
Spa kits are usually 6-12 items. Event may have refreshments. Call to arrange details and theme. 715-554-3870